Sorry this blog is late, I would have had it to you sooner, but I seem to have put my back out... joy! So much for packing, and we are moving tomorrow... not good!
On the way to the block, it was again, really foggy!
I was also lucky enough to follow the poo truck to our block... mmm... yuk!
As there were no builders there, I decided to have a walk around the house to see what they had been up to....
Most of the metal had been put down around the perimeter of the house. Some of it hasnt been done, because of the supplies still being too close to the house.... I guess they will come back and finish off the job when things are moved out of their way, but apparently the tiles for the roof are meant to be delivered on Monday... so we will see how that goes!
They have an interesting way of labeling each lot of frames for each rooms... I guess its good that they are written on there so that things are not mixed up I guess? They are also doing a really thorough job on the roofing trusses.
Yesterday, we had to have the power switched off (and back on again), so that the power board could be put onto the shed (instead of the temporary one we had!) and circuit switchboard is in the shed. A temporary power point has been set up in the house with its own RCD built in for the Builders to use.
This temporary power box has to be removed and transferred to the shed.
The lights are up and installed!
This is the electricals to the septic system, a pump is also going to be installed in the shed for the water.
The Shed guys also came back and installed the downpipes for the shed.
After my appointment with the doctor last night, Mike and I went up the block, and tested out the lights, and yep, as mentioned in the title... it lights up like the MCG!! Awesome!!! We are really impressed!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Man Cave (also known as the Shed) - lights up like the MCG!!
Posted by Sarah at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Little Digger!
Alrighty, up again this morning to be up at block to let the Electricians into the shed again! Yep, awesome...... it looked rather foggy outside.... hmmmmmmm.... this is what it looked like on the road on the way to the block (and this was better visibility than some areas on State Highway 16 that I had to drive!)
I arrived, unlocked the shed, took some photos inside of some of the electrical work. Looking pretty good!
Note left for me in the shed...
Off I went to my favourite place - Henderson - not! I grabbed a few things from there (Avatar DVD being one of them!), and then went on to Kennards to get some more boxes, so that we can pack some stuff tonight! (yeah right!). Whilst out and about at Westgate, I got a phone call from our Power Company, saying that they were going to disconnect out power tomorrow, and then reconnect it between the hours of 9am and 11:30am. And the charge for that simple pleasure, is $60 for disconnect, $60 for reconnect.... like.... wtf???????? Whatever, not like I have any choice in the matter, as we need to have power to the shed!
On the way home, I stopped by the block again... Telecom win Loser Telephone Company of the Year award, because, once again, for a phone company that was meant to be putting in a pole, and connecting our line today (or wasnt that meant to be LAST Friday??), I did not see diddly squat of anything or anyone to do with the Phone company up there!
To my excitement, there was a baby digger on the block, near the shed (one of the electricians), and he was putting in some more underground wiring - yes, I seem to have a thing for diggers... <3 lol..... don't tell my husband ;)
The Electricians had finished, doing all the electricals in the shed! Yay! They will be back tomorrow to make it live.
Onto the house.... they are still working away on the roof trusses, they now seem to have put on some metal strippy bits, I guess to add more bracing to the roofing.
I got mud all over my nice [cleanish] shoes - serves me right, I had my gumboots in the car, but do you think I put them on? nope! Silly me! So the second time I went back... I put them on... and check out the mud on the gumbys!
....and this was after I cleaned about an inch of mud off the bottom of them...
Posted by Sarah at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
Let the Shed have light!
I was up on the property this morning at 8:30am, to meet the Electricians on site. They had some electricals to install in the shed for us! YAY! :)
The builders also seemed to be back up, finishing the roof trusses. So, a few things going on today. Photos tomorrow.
Posted by Sarah at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Whats going on today?!
Well... not much is happening today, I can assure you! I got up to the block... and NOBODY THERE!!! The roof trusses are not all on yet, but they have until the 3rd of May to do that. So, I just headed home.
However, not far down the road, I came across an AC Digger Truck! YIPPEE!! I knew where they were going! SO, I followed him back! The young fella, in the dump truck, said he had metal (gravel) to deliver - 4 truckloads!!!! BUT, there was a slight problem........ the house builders had left all the supplies, around close to the house, where bobcat had to get in close to the house, to scrape the metal close to the house... yay! Ahhh... leave it to them, and they will sort, no worries!
So, I stand around and wait for a while, and he backs the truck back, and dumps all the metal on the ground.
I drive off home, as I am starving and have been out all morning, and I need some lunch! I am home for about an hour before I head back up there.
On my way up to the block, I notice that you can see our house from Kiwitahi Road (which I didnt think was possible!!!), but, the house is so huge, it is possible!!! :) I THINK you can see it from State Highway 16 as well... I will have to investigate that one a bit more though ;)
I arrive at the block... no trucks :( But there is a Ute... and a Bobcat! Awesome! I go take some photos of the bobcat dude running around in the bobcat, placing metal around the outer perimeter of the house! YAY!
Posted by Sarah at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Shed complete and I have the keys!
I took a carton of beer to the shed blokes, coz they did such an awesome job on our shed! Bryce and I had a bit of a giggle at the house builders over the bin episode... hahahhaaaa hilarious! :) I now have all the keys for the shed, so we have our first set of keys for the property!
Just so we all know, I had to scale the side of the shed walls inside AND climb up on a builders horsey building thingy, to close the shed doors, as I am too SHORT to reach them... gonna have to put some ropey bits on, so that I can just pull the shed roller doors down! OK... now you can laugh! :)
So, the shed looks like so with the doors down and locked
Anyway, on to the house..... the builders have been up there again, putting up more trusses, the house roof is now way bigger than the shed roof, and we thought the shed was tall!
Master Bedroom, Dining and Family Room end of the house!
Roof Trusses down the hallway!!
More Roof Trusses!
Full view of the house from the driveway entrance!
Posted by Sarah at 9:52 PM 0 comments
The Shed!
Looks like it is complete (apart from the downpipes - and maybe a few fix-ups). I went up last night before I went out for dinner and took some more pics! And of course, here they are (see below)! :) I have to go up this morning and measure windows and doors, to get some curtains whilst I am out and about today!
Phone line is also going in today, thanks Telecom - thanks also in advance for the hefty bill :(
Ranch Sliders outside!
Back Window!
Side Window!
Ranch Sliders - inside!
Roller doors (that I will never be able to reach unless I have a pole!) >:Þ
Weather strip under side door, which needs to be moved, as there is still a gap underneath!
Posted by Sarah at 12:22 PM 0 comments